The fundamental purpose of the Worship Ministry of the First Baptist Church in Glen Rose,
Texas is to honor and glorify God alone according to His will, to build His kingdom His way,
and to do so by His power for His glory alone. Thus....
...It is the goal of the worship ministry at FBCGR to glorify the Lord corporately in true
worship, because; true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Yes, the Father
wants such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in
spirit and truth” (John 4:23b-24). This goal requires . . .
. . . the objectives of developing daily worshipers and life-long worship leaders. As such, the
Worship Ministry of FBCGR offers many opportunities for individuals to “Praise the
Lord!” Whether it is through vocal, instrumental, technical, or non-musical areas of ministry,
there is a place for everyone of every age to serve the Lord! This is why . . .
. . . our theme verse is Psalm 150:6 . . . “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise
the Lord! Moreover . . .
. . . worship is an essential part of discipleship. One cannot be a true disciple without being a true
worshiper. Also, no one can be a true worshiper without being a true disciple. So . . .
. . . the ultimate purpose of the Worship Ministry at FBCGR is to carry out the Great
Commission (which is reflected in the church’s mission statement). That is why . . .
. . . the Worship Ministry’s purpose verse is “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord” (Psalm 40:3).
A Christ-centered camp for Music, Theater and Leadership. We run two separate camps for students depending on age range (”CrossTrain Spirit” for K-5th and “CrossTrain AMP’d” for 6-12th) , that culminates in either a Musical or leading a Worship Night. Make sure to sign them up by March 16th for a special early bird price.
Leading God’s people to engage with His presence through worship.
Serving in worship to help others glorify the Lord.
The Audio Visual Tech Team provides worship support for all the services, activities, and special events in the life of the church!
The KDC ministry at FBC is designed to come along side parents as a tool for the discipling of children. We pray that these children know God, love God, and learn to follow Him.
The Student Praise Band at FBC! These students lead worship for the student ministry every Wednesday night!
Lighthouse is the Student Worship Team at FBC! These students are excited about serving our church family through music and drama.
“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 11:36