Sunday Morning Join us this morning at 11 Online or in person Watch Live

Service & Growth Opportunities

Using our gifts, skills, and passions to serve others and grow in knowledge

2024 Events and Opportunities

January 4th - "Feed the Teachers"

We have been asked to cook lunch for the entire Glen Rose School district on Thursday, Jan 4th. We have a food prep trailer and all the "fixings" to cook & serve Hamburgers for everyone. We just need some men to help set up and be "Grill-Masters"! If this is in your "wheelhouse" call Bryan Anderson (254-897-2351) and join this team of men to Bless our educators!

"E2" - North Texas Men’s Conference

Camp Copass • Denton, TX • January 11th – 13th, 2024

The focus of this organization is to reach out to men in every profession in our community, for the purpose of evangelizing and edifying them (E2). It is our common conviction that, as believers, we are legitimate ambassadors for Christ and that our vocation in the marketplace is our pulpit. With the above focus in mind, a major goal of Texas E2 is to teach men to be better students of the Word which leads them to better know and follow Jesus Christ.

We believe that God’s word spreads at an exponential rate when the instruction Paul gave Timothy is applied: “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.“

2 Timothy 2:2

Click the link to learn more about the Location, Schedule, Speakers, and to Register: Texas E2

D-Now "Saturday Night LIVE"

FFLC GYm • February 17TH • 4pm-6pm

Men's ministry has been asked to prep and serve dinner Saturday evening for our students annual D-Now weekend. Let's show our support for FBC-GR Student ministry by partnering with them and other ministries areas at FBC Glen Rose to make this D-Now the best ever! Contact either Bryan or Hayden to help with this event. 254-897-2351