From Pastor Rick

Read this week's message from our Pastor...

July 16, 2024

Dear Church family,

Praise God for the blessing of new members each week! Sunday, we welcomed Lance and Julie Knox by statement and their children, Landon and Nathan. Braedon Falls came forward and made his public profession of faith desiring to follow the Lord in baptism. Pray that FBC will be a place where we come alongside new members and encourage them to grow in grace as we serve the Lord together.

CrossTrain/Worship Arts Leadership Camp is off to a great start with 81 kids and 64 volunteers. Pray that God uses this week to raise up young worshippers who glorify Him. Remember GLOW Night (God’s Leaders Offering Worship) on Friday, July 19, at 5 pm. On Sunday, July 21 at 5 pm, our students will present the musical Star Quest.

Thank you for joining me in special prayer for our nation Sunday morning following the attempted assassination Saturday afternoon of former president Donald Trump. We are thankful God preserved his life. Continue to pray for him, the family who lost a loved one, and the two individuals wounded in the attack. This kind of violence horrifies each of us no matter our political beliefs and should cause us to consider the dangers of political animosity and hate. 

Without question, our nation needs spiritual healing from God. If you truly desire this kind of healing, Scripture gives clear guidance: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). What can you do today? Stop right now and pray. In genuine humility cry out to God. Confess whatever sin the Holy Spirit may prompt in your mind and seek His forgiveness. Pray for His will to be accomplished in your life and for this nation. Commit yourself to His Word, His will, and be a daily witness for Christ. God hears and answers prayer! As Christians, we should never live in fear, but rather in faith. Our God is faithful!

In His love,

Pastor Rick