December 4, 2024
Dear Church family,
Sunday morning, we welcomed Tony and Laurie Swertfager to our church family by statement of their faith and Tony will follow the Lord in believers’ baptism. Tony and Laurie are originally from California and now live in Meridian. I am thankful they found our church and have committed themselves to join our fellowship.
This Sunday night the music ministry will present CHRISTmas Presence. I’m thankful for Scott and his leadership with the music ministry. Worship will include a multi-generational choir, praise team, worship band, handbells, and a brass quintet. We are looking forward to a wonderful time of worship and praise. Plan to invite friends and family to share with us in this celebration of our Lord. Arrive early with a prayerful and expectant heart. A time of fellowship will follow in Common Grounds.
As our New Building Committee continues to work with the architects to finalize the next building phase, I want to encourage you to prayerfully consider a year end gift to the building fund. At the last business meeting we approved Impact Stewardship to lead our Capital Campaign in 2025. Presently, we are in the process of developing a leadership team to lead us in this effort next spring. Your gift to the building fund in December will help us get off to a great start next year. I plan to send a letter next week with more information about year-end giving for your consideration. Many lives have been touched for Jesus this year because of your giving and serving spirit. For this, I am truly grateful.
You are loved and appreciated,
Pastor Rick
In His love,
Pastor Rick